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These functions return the fiscal year or fiscal year and quarter for a date-time.


fiscal_year(x, type = c("year", "date_first", "date_last"), fiscal_start = 1)

ffy(x, type = c("year", "date_first", "date_last"))

sfy_il(x, type = c("year", "date_first", "date_last"))

ffyq(x, type = c("year.quarter", "quarter", "date_first", "date_last"))

sfyq_il(x, type = c("year.quarter", "quarter", "date_first", "date_last"))



A date or date-time vector.


What to return:

  • For fiscal_year(), ffy(), and sfy_il(): One of "year" (default - numeric fiscal year), or "date_first" or "date_last" (first or last date of fiscal year).

  • For ffyq() and sfyq_il(): One of "year.quarter" (default - numeric fiscal year and quarter, in YYYY.Q format), "quarter" (numeric quarter), or "date_first" or "date_last" (first or last date of fiscal quarter).


For fiscal_year, the month the fiscal year starts (default is 1 for January).


numeric (if type is "year" or "year.quarter") or a vector of class Date (if type is "date_first" or "date_last").


ffy() and sfy_il() are convenience wrappers around fiscal_year() for federal fiscal year (starts in October) and Illinois state fiscal year (starts in July).

ffyq() and sfyq_il() are analogous convenience wrappers around lubridate::quarter().


dates <- as.Date(c("2020-01-15", "2020-04-15", "2020-07-15", "2020-10-15"))

# default outputs
  date = dates,
  fiscal_year = fiscal_year(dates),
  fiscal_start_apr = fiscal_year(dates, fiscal_start = 4),
  sfy_il = sfy_il(dates),
  ffy = ffy(dates),
  sfyq_il = sfyq_il(dates),
  ffyq = ffyq(dates)
#>         date fiscal_year fiscal_start_apr sfy_il  ffy sfyq_il   ffyq
#> 1 2020-01-15        2020             2020   2020 2020  2020.3 2020.2
#> 2 2020-04-15        2020             2021   2020 2020  2020.4 2020.3
#> 3 2020-07-15        2020             2021   2021 2020  2021.1 2020.4
#> 4 2020-10-15        2020             2021   2021 2021  2021.2 2021.1

# with `type = "date_first"`
  date = dates,
  fiscal_year = fiscal_year(dates, type = "date_first"),
  fiscal_start_apr = fiscal_year(dates, type = "date_first", fiscal_start = 4),
  sfy_il = sfy_il(dates, type = "date_first"),
  ffy = ffy(dates, type = "date_first")
#>         date fiscal_year fiscal_start_apr     sfy_il        ffy
#> 1 2020-01-15  2020-01-01       2019-04-01 2019-07-01 2019-10-01
#> 2 2020-04-15  2020-01-01       2020-04-01 2019-07-01 2019-10-01
#> 3 2020-07-15  2020-01-01       2020-04-01 2020-07-01 2019-10-01
#> 4 2020-10-15  2020-01-01       2020-04-01 2020-07-01 2020-10-01