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Adds empty row(s) based on specified value(s) in col. By default, will insert one empty row after the last occurrence in col of each value passed to vals.


  where = c("after_last", "before_first", "after_each", "before_each"),
  no_match = c("error", "warn", "ignore"),
  nrows = 1,



a data frame or data frame extension.


column to search for values.


character vector of value(s) to search for in col.


where to insert rows relative to the values in vals.


number of empty rows to insert at each location.


these dots are included to support error-checking and must be empty.


what to do if a value in vals doesn't appear in col.


An updated version of .data with new empty rows inserted.


In the pre-release version of this function, used in some lighthouse code, values to search for were passed to ... as unquoted symbols. Values must now be now instead be passed to vals as a character vector. The arguments .where and .nrows have also been renamed to where and nrows. The function will attempt to detect and give an informative warning if it is called with "old" parameters (e.g., with a deprecated argument or with a list of symbols rather than a character vector). Also see syms_to_chr(), which is provided as a utility for adapting old code.


ex_data <- tibble::tibble(
  category = sort(sample(LETTERS[1:3], 10, replace = TRUE)),
  var = round(runif(10), 2)

add_rows_at_value(ex_data, category, c("A", "B"))
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#>    category   var
#>    <chr>    <dbl>
#>  1 A         0.87
#>  2 A         0.68
#>  3 A         0.14
#>  4 A         0.55
#>  5 NA       NA   
#>  6 B         0.68
#>  7 B         0.53
#>  8 B         0.09
#>  9 B         0.62
#> 10 NA       NA   
#> 11 C         0.03
#> 12 C         0.46

add_rows_at_value(ex_data, category, c("A", "C"), where = "after_each")
#> # A tibble: 16 × 2
#>    category   var
#>    <chr>    <dbl>
#>  1 A         0.87
#>  2 NA       NA   
#>  3 A         0.68
#>  4 NA       NA   
#>  5 A         0.14
#>  6 NA       NA   
#>  7 A         0.55
#>  8 NA       NA   
#>  9 B         0.68
#> 10 B         0.53
#> 11 B         0.09
#> 12 B         0.62
#> 13 C         0.03
#> 14 NA       NA   
#> 15 C         0.46
#> 16 NA       NA   

  where = "before_first",
  nrows = 2
#> # A tibble: 16 × 2
#>    category   var
#>    <chr>    <dbl>
#>  1 NA       NA   
#>  2 NA       NA   
#>  3 A         0.87
#>  4 A         0.68
#>  5 A         0.14
#>  6 A         0.55
#>  7 NA       NA   
#>  8 NA       NA   
#>  9 B         0.68
#> 10 B         0.53
#> 11 B         0.09
#> 12 B         0.62
#> 13 NA       NA   
#> 14 NA       NA   
#> 15 C         0.03
#> 16 C         0.46